Monday, August 22, 2011

Damon Suede - Hot Head Review

Have you ever read a story that has impacted you so deeply that you physically hurt when you think back on that story?  Damon Suede's book Hot Head and the background on how that book came to be was that book for me. 

The book was amazing, the flow, the setting and the words were all perfect for creating the visual of the story.  I could actually see the book taking place in life or movie as I read.  It gave you a true HEA at the end and you wished the characters well in their life ahead.  I had a true closure when I finished and filed the book away to re-read again in the future.  I commented to Damon and explained how much I adored this story then moved to my next read on the list.  Closure, true story closure. 

Then I had read a interview he did on the book and how he came up with the story.  The background impacted me more than anything else I have ever read.  It was a gut wrenching interview and it made me realize there is so much more to September 11th than what we have witnessed in the news.  There was no true HEA that I embraced in the book.  There was gut wrenching pain in the real life events that lead to that book.  The character "Dante" died in September 11th and there was no closure for "Griffin".  There was no recovery of a body to say goodbye and there was no acknowledgement from "Dante" of "Griffins" expressed feelings before those towers fell.  I reached out to Damon to find out if he has heard anything about the real person behind his character "Griffin" and his reply caused that physical ache. 

"Griffin" is alive but he is not living by any stretch of the imagination.  He is breathing unlike "Dante" but that hole in his heart will probably never be filled and he is working a job that will almost kill him because of crazy risks he takes.  He is a firefighter, a hero but he will never be whole person.  He is a man who probably lost his soul mate in that tragedy and will never know what could have become.  I tell everyone I know about that book and the story behind the book.  It brings tears to my eyes when I think back and causes me, a person who has stopped praying years ago to say a little prayer that "Griffin" heals more each year that passes.    If you havent read this book, I cannot recommend it enough.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


People go thru changes all the time.  Doesnt matter if you choose to make a change or if the decision is out of your hands.  How you decide to deal with the change determines your character.  In the last few months I have been going thru both types.  The company I work for was bought out and our jobs are in limbo and no real decisions have been made.  My oldest graduated high school and is starting to experience life and challenges of her own.  She has also started learning that money doesnt grow on trees, you have to work hard for every dollar and the tax man takes way to much.  My son has figured out he will never move out and leave the womb.  Amazingly enough I figured that out about him a few years ago after watching Step Brothers.  My husband has figured out that I am crazy (duh) and every day is a new day in crazyland.  My insane sister is having a baby at the age of 42.  Before anyone gets ticked at me, its not about the age.  She has 3 children already (21, 20, 18) and is on her 4th marriage.  My parents have embraced their party life and since they missed college fun and frat houses when they were young their children get to see them go thru it now.  Its quite scary.  I have seen my ass grow and shrink a few times in the past years.  I have found that boobs do droop after a certain age and whoever thought up the pencil test is a dick.  I learned that my parents were right about a lot of things but life in general has changed compared to when they were raising kids. 

I have decided to actually finish my first book series and see if anyone will publish.  This has been a dream of mine since I was very young.  I was always the storyteller and now I am hoping to put my skills toward good and not evil like when my parents were in church praying for my soul to stop making so much shit up.  My husband supports anything I do that brings in money but my parents will not support my genre or writing.  As with everything else they will get over it or not but I want to live this dream. 

They for sure would never embrace my other dream of being married to multiple husbands (hubby isnt embracing this either).  My theory is that if I have a different husband for each day of the week then individually they would only have to deal with me 4x per month.  They would have 6 live in best friends and 7 total incomes coming into the house.  Those crazy poly mormons did it wrong (multiple wives at home and 1 hubby working).  I would have different types that I would require (doctor, lawyer, cpa, construction, mechanic).  Then my ass can stay home and I can be a full time writer and not writing at night by the glow of a flashlight. 

I have been married for 18 years, yes right out of high school and have been through many changes so far.  I look forward to the changes still to come.

Things That Make Me Smile